By Laws | Show Rules | Policies
1. Association Membership - Annual Membership in this Association, inclusive of introductory rep offer, is required to participate in any EWSRA sponsored event.
2. Commitment to Association Events - To further the purpose of the Association to support all Members engaged in businesses related to the snow, outdoor and action sports industries and to encourage and promote their trade within the industries, Members must support Association events, which includes not running any conflicting event during the days of the Association events. No Member may support or facilitate a demonstration, function, show, display or other event directed to the attendees of the Association event during the days of the Association event inclusive of move-in. Company sponsored purely social parties of registered Member reps are welcome outside the hours of the Association event so long as they do not include demonstration of equipment/services or other content addressed by the Association event. Any member showing their lines or services he/she represents during the Association Event days, inclusive of move-in, either alone or in concert with others, regardless of the location, will be subject to established fine(s) and/or expulsion from the association.
3. Early breakdown or closures are prohibited. Every Member shall remain the full mandatory Association Event period as designated by the Board of Directors, and if departing on the last mandatory day, may not begin dismantling or moving any part of his/her display until the published closing time of show. All early breakdowns/closures, inclusive of meeting rooms, will result in loss of booth location / booth seniority and will be fined. Articles may not be removed from booth once show officially opens without written authorization from Show Management.
4. Products - It is the intent that EWSRA shows emphasize the sale of ski/snowboard, outdoor and action sports products, but reps that also have other seasonal lines may show them provided they follow EWSRA’s Policies and Show Rules. Ski/Snowboard, outdoor and action sports products must occupy at least 51% of the display space in each booth and the Member Rep who contracted for the space must represent all products. All products displayed in booth must be listed in the EWSRA Buyer’s Guide as a “product line” of contracting member rep.
5. Space Contract- Exhibiting EWSRA Member must be “rep of record” when contracting exhibit space at any EWSRA sponsored event. If found that the exhibitor is not “rep of record”, exhibit space will be released immediately, booth fees forfeited and fines imposed. Contracting EWSRA Member must be in attendance daily. Show Management and the Board of Directors must clear extenuating circumstances (ex: due to show conflicts, loss of lines or illness) prior to show opening.
6. Rep Agencies – EWSRA membership is open to individual reps only. EWSRA does not recognize “rep agencies”. Member rep that contracts show space must attend the show daily. Show Management and the EWSRA Board of Directors must approve extenuating circumstance prior to show opening.
7. Non-exhibiting member reps are welcome to attend all EWSRA après’ show functions. However, attendance is strictly prohibited during official show hours.
8. Space Assignments – All space will be assigned by EWSRA Show Management and the Board of Directors’ which in its sole discretion shall foster the best interest of traffic flow, needs and overall quality of the event. While no guarantees can be offered, every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate member space requests, while taking into consideration show seniority and compliance with the September 15th payment and renewal deadline. Absolutely no space will be held unless accompanied by the appropriate fee(s). No Member may sublet any portion of his/her space, but may share space only if arrangements are made with the EWSRA office.
9. Membership Badge must be worn and displayed during all EWSRA events. Members will not be permitted into the show area without proper badge identification. Associate Members, Assistants, Principals, Manufacturers and Guests must be registered with an exhibiting Member and must obtain appropriate badge identification for the event.
10. Registration - Sales assistants, models, secretaries, technical representatives, principals, manufacturers, and guests must be registered at ALL SHOWS. The following fees / definitions will apply to all EWSRA shows:
- Associate Rep: A rep that travels and works the territory and is attending an EWSRA show for one or more days with a current member rep – Fee $75
- Show Assistant – helpers and models hired specifically to work the show only and does not travel and/or work the territory – Fee $75
- Principal – Any non-member, full-time employee of a company who is attending the show for one or more days – Fee $275
Above fees will be charged regardless of the duration of time present at event. Fees must be prepaid or paid at registration. There will be NO BILLING. Above fees are the direct responsibility of Member rep. In addition, Member rep is responsible for assistants, models, secretaries, technical representatives, and principals following EWSRA Show Rules and Policies. Non-participating manufacturers will be permitted into the show on the last day only, provided they pay a $275.00 “Guest” fee.
Non-participating manufacturers will not be issued a badge or given access to show for any reason, except as noted above.
11. All sound equipment will be kept to a minimal noise level, acceptable to neighboring exhibitors. When demon- strating the use of a wax/tuning machine, please be considerate of your neighbors.
12. All exhibit material must fit within the parameters of the defined booth space at each show. Due to fire regulations encroachment into aisles or open space is not permitted. Per contract, vertical extensions to the decorator’s equipment are strictly prohibited.
13. No mechanical or wheeled devices, except for wheelchairs, walkers and/or strollers are allowed in the show halls during published show hours.
14. There will be no solicitation or congregating in the aisles, halls, or lounge areas. In addition, soliciting or discussing business with a retail attendee while they are in an appointment with another member rep is strictly prohibited. Complaints regarding this show rule must be made in writing to the EWSRA Executive Director the day the infraction occurs. The board directors will then review. Fine to Loss of Membership may be imposed.
15. Exhibit space must be manned by contracting member rep daily. Show Management and the Board of Directors must clear extenuating circumstances (ex: due to show conflicts, loss of lines or illness) prior to show opening.
16. Members are responsible for all hotel charges made by them and payment MUST be made upon checkout.
17. Pets are not allowed within any designated show area during show hours.
18. No nails, pins or tape shall be used in hotel sleeping / meeting rooms to place articles on display. Loss of equipment or damage to rooms or furnishings will be charged to the room where it occurs. Exhibitor is responsible for returning the room to its original condition. The hotel will have the final decision regarding damage in the showrooms and charge the member for such damage.
19. No stickers, decals or signs are permitted to be placed on the door, door frame or walls outside the show room or anywhere on hotel or convention center property, including but not limited to railings, elevators, restrooms, etc. All types of “tagging” which deface the hotel/convention center property are prohibited.
20. Parking - EWSRA exhibitors are to park in the area designated “exhibitor parking” at all shows. If no area has been designated, exhibiting member should take into consideration their customers, leaving the parking spaces closest to the show entrance open for retail attendees. Additionally, all reps are to obey move-in regulations regarding loading / unloading areas. All vehicles, trailers, etc. that are found to be in violation (either during move-in, move-out or show hours) will be advised to move their vehicle immediately. Non-compliance with parking regulations will be enforced by the EWSRA Executive Director and staff. Violators will be subject to fine, and vehicle will be towed at owner’s expense.
21 Booth Space contracted within 30 days of show will be accessed a $50 fee per booth.
22. Grievance Policy On-site grievances must be delivered in writing to the Executive Director on the same day the grievance occurs. Written grievances must include date, filing member(s) name and signature(s), a full explanation of the charge(s), and the name(s) of all charged member(s). Verbal or incomplete written grievances will not be addressed.
Upon receipt of written grievance, a member of the EWSRA Board will promptly investigate by speaking directly to the charged member(s). After hearing, viewing, and considering all facts presented, the EWSRA Board of Directors will render a decision as to what, if any, further action is necessary. All grievances must be addressed within a 24-hour period.
Should the Board determine corrective action is necessary; the Board will immediately deliver a written warning to each member charged and/or registered within the affected space. A copy of the grievance and warning will be kept by the EWSRA Executive Director. Each charged member rep will have until 6:00pm of that same day to completely correct the situation. If the situation is not corrected and/or resolved according to stated terms, the following additional action will be taken and completed on that same day:
- member(s) will be prohibited from participating in the remainder of the event / show,
- all space registered to member(s) will immediately be shut down for the remainder of the event / show,
- member(s) must immediately remove all equipment, displays, exhibits, vehicles for the remainder of the event / show
- member(s) will receive written fine via certified mail
Violators of By-Laws, Show Rules and/or Policies are subject to the following:
1st Offense | $500 fine for each infraction |
2nd Offense | $1000 fine for each infraction |
3rd Offense | Potential expulsion from the association after review by the Board of Directors |
7/24 These Rules supersede any and all previous versions of EWSRA Rules of Show Conduct